bon voyage, mixed media on paper, 22x50
bon voyage detail
ready, oil on canvas, 16x20
ready detail
the moon is on the move, acrylic on canvas, 37.5x22
a mystery even to herself, acrylic on wood panel, 11x14
long grows the day, oil on canvas, 16x20
chorus, mixed media on paper, 20x25
belle epoque, acrylic on wood panel, 26x33
belle epoque detail
so soon, so long, oil on canvas, 12x16
so soon detail
the whole famn damily(tryptic III), acrylic on glass, 1.5x2
the whole famn damily(tryptic II), acrylic on glass, 3x3.5
the whole famn damily(tryptic I), acrylic on glass, 1.5x2
noir bird study1, mixed media on paper, 10x13
noir bird study2, mixed media on paper, 10x13
noir bird study3, mixed media on paper, 10x13
noir bird study4, mixed media on paper, 10x13